Filter Reference

This is a reference document with a list of the filters and their arguments.



This filter does simple character matches, used with CharField and TextField by default.


This filter matches a boolean, either True or False, used with BooleanField and NullBooleanField by default.


This filter matches an item of any type by choices, used with any field that has choices.


The same as ChoiceFilter except the user can select multiple items and it selects the OR of all the choices.


Matches on a date. Used with DateField by default.


Matches on a date and time. Used with DateTimeField by default.


Matches on a time. Used with TimeField by default.


Similar to a ChoiceFilter except it works with related models, used for ForeignKey by default.


Similar to a MultipleChoiceFilter except it works with related models, used for ManyToManyField by default.


Filters based on a numerical value, used with IntegerField, FloatField, and DecimalField by default.


Filters where a value is between two numerical values.


Filter similar to the admin changelist date one, it has a number of common selections for working with date fields.


This is a ChoiceFilter whose choices are the current values in the database. So if in the DB for the given field you have values of 5, 7, and 9 each of those is present as an option. This is similar to the default behavior of the admin.

Core Arguments


The name of the field this filter is supposed to filter on, if this is not provided it automatically becomes the filter’s name on the FilterSet.


The label as it will apear in the HTML, analogous to a form field’s label argument.


The django.form Widget class which will represent the Filter. In addition to the widgets that are included with Django that you can use there are additional ones that django-filter provides which may be useful:

  • django_filters.widgets.LinkWidget – this displays the options in a manner similar to the way the Django Admin does, as a series of links. The link for the selected option will have class="selected".


An optional callable that tells the filter how to handle the queryset. It receives a QuerySet and the value to filter on and should return a Queryset that is filtered appropriately.


The type of lookup that should be performed using the Django ORM. All the normal options are allowed, and should be provided as a string. You can also provide either None or a list or a tuple. If None is provided, then the user can select the lookup type from all the ones available in the Django ORM. If a list or tuple is provided, then the user can select from those options.


A boolean value that specifies whether the Filter will use distinct on the queryset. This option can be used to eliminate duplicate results when using filters that span related models. Defaults to False.


A boolean value that specifies whether the Filter should use filter or exclude on the queryset. Defaults to False.


Any extra keyword arguments will be provided to the accompanying form Field. This can be used to provide arguments like choices or queryset.